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Are Australia’s petroleum stocks too low

Last week Shell announced that its Corio refinery at Geelong is up for sale. he likelihood is that the refinery will close. If this happens Australia will be down to four refineries from eight in 2002, with one in Melbourne, two in Brisbane and one in Perth. Australia consumes twice as much oil as it […]

Sunrise LNG treaty lapses in seven weeks

The treaty between Australia and Timor Leste governing development of the Sunrise field for LNG lapses in seven weeks, on 23 February 2013. Sunrise straddles the border of the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) and an area of sole Australian jurisdiction. In the Timor Sea Treaty (2003) between Australia and Timor Leste, the resources of the […]

Why Australia Prospered

Why Australia Prospered. The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth by Ian McLean is the first economic history of Australia in 40 years. It covers 200 years of Australian history and is very relevant to current debates such as the role of the resources sector versus manufacturing. Generallyit concludes that Australia’s natural resource abundance has been a […]

Private Empire. ExxonMobil and American ...

Private Empire. ExxonMobil and American Power by Steve Coll won the FT/Goldman Sachs prize for best business book of 2012 and deservedly so, the book is actually much better than the publicity. It focusses on the fairly recent history of ExxonMobil under Lee Raymond and Rex Tillerson. Each chapter covers a particular topic like the […]

OGJ Australian gas reserve estimates too...

Each December the US Oil and Gas Journal publishes its estimates of global oil production for the current year and its estimate of proven oil and gas reserves for the start of the coming year. The estimates are widely quoted. However they are released prior to the end-of-year announcements of reserves and production by the […]

Ethane key to US petrochem growth

An interesting piece in Platts on a report from the Dallas Fed on the growth of US petrochemicals based on ethane from shale gas. It is often assumed that methane is a feedstock for petrochemicals but the relevant feedstocks are ethane and naphtha (produced from condensate). Australia produces ethane from the Cooper Basin and […]

Conspiracy of Fear

  Good quote from Alan Kohler 10 November taking about the western world generally: Conspiracy of Fear There is a conspiracy of fear formation between a media desperately seeking sales to save itself with, and politicians desperately seeking relevance. The financial establishment is happy to join in the conspiracy because market volatility produces profits. Nobody […]

Economics the optimistic science

I’m currently reading Grand Pursuit, The Story Of Economic Genius by Sylvia Nasar author of A Beautiful Mind. An excellent book, partly about the development of economic thought but also about the lives of Marshall, Keynes, Hayek, Schumpeter, Fisher, Friedman and the others giants who created modern economics. Highly recommended.  While they don’t feature in […]

GASEX 2012

Every two years the gas industry of the Western Pacific holds an information exchange conference called GASEX. GASEX was originally established as a joint Japanese-Australian initiative about 20 years ago.The next GASEX will be held in Bali on 9-11 October 2012. The Australian Gas Industry Trust is sponsoring six delegates to this year’s conference. I will […]