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EnergyQuest Australian LNG Monthly Febru...

EnergyQuest has just released its Australian LNG Monthly for February 2020. Some of the highlights are as follows: Australian LNG is starting to experience a double-whammy of lower volumes and lower prices. The disruption to trade with China and Japan from the coronavirus is starting to become evident in cargoes, not yet substantial but most […]

EnergyQuarterly March 2020

The March 2020 EnergyQuarterly report has just been released, with comprehensive Australian oil and gas data for 2019 and the December Quarter plus analysis of the latest developments.  In the Observations Section we have  a number of articles commenting on topical issues: Did Carbon Kill the Bight? Covid-19. Is Australia a Minor Contributor to Global […]

EnergyQuest Australian LNG Monthly for J...

EnergyQuest has just released its Australian LNG Monthly for January 2020. Suddenly the LNG market is being buffeted from all directions. The market was already soft with a warm winter in North Asia and rapidly growing US production. Now the outbreak of the coronavirus has hit oil prices (to which Australian LNG prices are indexed) and spot LNG prices. Brent […]

EnergyQuest December 2019 LNG Report

EnergyQuest has just released its December2019 LNG Report. Some of the highlights are: Higher LNG exports and lower east coast gas prices. Australia has officially become the world’s largest exporter of LNG on an annualised basis with the record performance for last year being 1.5 Mt above the Platts estimate (6 January) of Qatar 2019 […]

EnergyQuest November 2019 LNG Report

EnergyQuest has just released its November 2019 LNG Report. Some of the highlights are: Australian LNG shipments have not been affected yet by the surplus of LNG globally.  Total Australian LNG shipments in November were 6.5 million tonnes (Mt) (96 cargoes), only slightly lower than 6.6 Mt (97 cargoes) in October. Australia’s November shipments were […]

EnergyQuarterly December 2019

The December 2019 EnergyQuarterly report has just been released, with comprehensive Australian oil and gas data for the September Quarter 2019 plus analysis of the latest developments.  Here are some of the highlights: The east coast gas market balance improved significantly in Q3 2019. Gas production was higher by 20.4 PJ qoq to reach a […]

EnergyQuest October 2019 LNG Report

EnergyQuest has just released its October 2019 LNG Report. Some of the highlights are: Australian LNG shipments have not been affected yet by the surplus of LNG globally.  Total Australian LNG shipments in October were 6.6 million tonnes (Mt) (97 cargoes), higher than 6.2 Mt (91 cargoes) in September. Australia’s October shipments were 77.8 Mtpa […]

EnergyQuest September 2019 LNG Report

EnergyQuest has just released its September 2019 LNG Report. Some of the highlights are: West coast LNG shipments were down by 12 cargoes in September compared with August, primarily from the North West Shelf (NWS) (-12) due to problems with supply from offshore platforms and extended maintenance.  A number of spot cargoes have become available […]

EnergyQuest August 2019 LNG Report

EnergyQuest has just released its August 2019 LNG Report. Some of the highlights are: West coast LNG shipments were down by 3 cargoes in August compared with July, primarily Wheatstone (-2) and Ichthys (-2), both of which have also been selling spot cargoes at low spot prices. Contract buyers from the projects have exercised downward […]