Large energy users are facing unprecedented uncertainties and mixed messages. The challenge is to map a path forward which allows energy intensive businesses to manage the volatility and develop into the new energy markets.
EnergyQuest analysis shows what are the cost drivers, where the key game changers are, and how a business should plan its energy future.
Case Studies:
- Gas supply options for a major gas user – This project was a review of supply options for a major industrial gas user. It considered cost, likelihood and volume of supply. The report included detailed demand, supply and cost analysis, an overview of east coast proven and probable reserves, contingent resources, and the potential for future long term supply, with a ranking of supply options, and risks.
- Multi-client Report: East Coast Gas Outlook to 2036 – This major multi-client report completed in December 2018 , reviewed gas field reserves using a proprietary field by field approach, cost of production, infrastructure constraints, domestic and export gas demand, gas pricing, risks and industry game-changers.